I will serve as an associate editor (AE) for RO-MAN 2024!

We had two papers [1, 2] accepted to the VAM-HRI 2024 workshop!

[Workshop] Two workshops I help co-organize were accepted to HRI 2024!

[HRI ’24] We just had 2 papers accepted to HRI 2024, the top HRI conference. See you in Boulder, CO in March 2024!

On HRI 2024

[HRI ’24] I am on the program committee of HRI 2024 to help our community grow!

I started as an Assistant Professor at the University of South Florida. Go Bulls 🤘!


[AR Course Evaluation] Students rated 4.72/5.0 for their learning experience in my Fall 2022 Augmented Reality (AR) course! It is consistent across all sub-scales.

[HRI ’23] Two papers were just accepted to HRI 2023, the top HRI conference!

[HRI ’23] I am on the program committee of HRI 2023 to help our community grow!

The 2022 edition of the AI-HRI symposium was just accepted to the AAAI Fall Symposium Series! I was selected as General Co-Chair this year. Hopefully we will meet in person!

I was elected as a Division Councilor of the Mathematics and Computer Sciences Division in The Council on Undergraduate Research (CUR)!

I served as a Panelist in the Explainability Panel at the 2022 AAAI Spring Symposium on Closing the Assessment Loop: Communicating Proficiency and Intent in Human-Robot Teaming.

I am a Program Chair of The AAAI Fall Symposium on The Artificial Intelligence for Human-Robot Interaction (AI-HRI ’21)!

Our RoboHawks team that I led took a solid second place in the inaugural FetchIt! Mobile Manipulation Challenge held at ICRA 2019 in Montreal! We plan to use it as a platform for our future research.