I will serve as an associate editor (AE) for RO-MAN 2024!
I received the university-wide Excellence in Mentoring Undergraduate Research Award – Faculty today!
I gave a keynote talk at the VAM-HRI workshop at HRI ’24!
We had a short contribution paper accepted to HRI 2024!
[Workshop] Two workshops I help co-organize were accepted to HRI 2024!
[HRI ’24] We just had 2 papers accepted to HRI 2024, the top HRI conference. See you in Boulder, CO in March 2024!
[AI-HRI ’23] We successfully hosted the tenth Artificial Intelligence for Human-Robot Interaction (AI-HRI) symposium!
[ACM Student Magzine] Our article “The Importance of Memory for Language-Capable Robots” was just published at the XRDS: Crossroads, The ACM Magazine for Students!
[HRI ’24] I am on the program committee of HRI 2024 to help our community grow!
[Special Issue] Our proposal for the special issue on “Human-mediated Robot Autonomy” was just accepted for the International Journal of Social Robotics!
[Workshop] We successfully hosted the AHRI workshop at ACII 2023 in Boston. Check out the program for accepted papers!
I started as an Assistant Professor at the University of South Florida. Go Bulls 🤘!
[INLG ’23] Our paper “Exploring the Naturalness of Cognitive Status-Informed Referring Form Selection Models” was just accepted to INLG 2023!
[SemDial ’23] Our paper “Toward Open-World Human-Robot Interaction: What Types of Gestures Are Used in Task-Based Open-World Referential Communication?” was just accepted to SemDial 2023!
Our research topic (special issue) “Perceiving, Generating, and Interpreting Affect in Human-Robot Interaction (HRI)” was accepted to the Human-Robot Interaction section of the Frontiers in Robotics and AI journal!
[CogSci ’23] Our paper “Evaluating Cognitive Status-Informed Referring Form Selection for Human-Robot Interactions” was accepted with full paper publication to CogSci 2023!
[HRI ’23 Best LBR Nominee] 7 out of 139 (5%)! Our late breaking report (LBR) “Towards Improved Replicability of Human Studies in Human-Robot Interaction: Recommendations for Formalized Reporting” is one of the 7 out of 139 (5%) Best LBR Nominees!
Our second edition of the workshop on Affective Human-Robot Interaction (AHRI) was accepted to ACII 2023, the annual International Conference on Affective Computing & Intelligent Interaction!
I just uploaded the video presentation for our HRI 2023 paper Crossing Reality: Comparing Physical and Virtual Robot Deixis!
[HRI ’23 LBR] Our late breaking report (LBR) “Towards Improved Replicability of Human Studies in Human-Robot Interaction: Recommendations for Formalized Reporting” was accepted to HRI 2023! This is an important work to improve the validity of HRI study and results.
[AR Course Evaluation] Students rated 4.72/5.0 for their learning experience in my Fall 2022 Augmented Reality (AR) course! It is consistent across all sub-scales.
[HRI ’23] Two papers were just accepted to HRI 2023, the top HRI conference!
[AAAI ’23 UG] I am a program committee member of the AAAI 2023 Undergraduate Consortium to provide critical feedback and practical early career advice to undergraduate researchers!
[DEI workshop at HRI ’23] Our HRI workshop on “Inclusive HRI II: Equity and Diversity in Design, Application, Methods, and Community” was accepted to HRI 2023!
[HRI ’23] I am on the program committee of HRI 2023 to help our community grow!
[THRI] Another journal paper on explaining a robot’s past behavior was just accepted to the ACM Transactions on Human-Robot Interaction (THRI)!
[AI-HRI] Our paper on augmented reality robot behavior replay was accepted to the AI-HRI symposium!
[THRI] Our journal paper was just accepted to the ACM Transactions on Human-Robot Interaction (THRI), titled “Best of Both Worlds? Combining Different Forms of Mixed Reality Deictic Gestures“!
🏆 I was one of the recipients of the 2022 Mines Annual Diversity, Inclusion & Access (DI&A) Award: Creating a Culture of Inclusion – Faculty!
🏆 Our INLG 2022 paper just won the Best Long-Paper Award!
[IROS 2022] Our paper, Givenness Hierarchy Informed Optimal Document Planning for Situated Human-Robot Interaction, was just accepted to IROS 2022!
I am a General Co-Chair of the AAAI AI-HRI symposium! Submit by 7/31 and join us in November.
[INLG 2022] Our paper, Evaluating Referring Form Selection Models in Partially-Known Environments, was just accepted to the ACL International Conference on Natural Language Generation!
The 2022 edition of the AI-HRI symposium was just accepted to the AAAI Fall Symposium Series! I was selected as General Co-Chair this year. Hopefully we will meet in person!
Our workshop on Affective Human-Robot Interaction (AHRI) was accepted to 10th International Conference on Affective Computing & Intelligent Interaction (ACII 2022)!
I was elected as a Division Councilor of the Mathematics and Computer Sciences Division in The Council on Undergraduate Research (CUR)!
We just uploaded the slides for our AAAI-FSS paper on Causal Robot Communication Inspired by Observational Learning Insights!
I served as a Panelist in the Explainability Panel at the 2022 AAAI Spring Symposium on Closing the Assessment Loop: Communicating Proficiency and Intent in Human-Robot Teaming.
We just uploaded the slides of our workshop paper on formalizing HRI data collection processes!
🏆 Our late breaking report won the third place of the HRI 2022 Best Late Breaking Report (LBR) Award, top three out of 103!
Our data collection experiment formalization is accepted to the HRI 2022 Workshop on Test Methods & Metrics! Camera-ready version is also uploaded.
We just uploaded the slides of our VAM-HRI 2022 paper. It attracted a lot of discussions at the workshop!
We just uploaded the camera-ready version of our VAM-HRI 2022 paper!
Our VAM-HRI workshop paper on investigating AR and physical arms for deictic gesture is accepted!
HRI 2022 is almost there. I just uploaded the slides and embedded a Twitter thread with a series of six Tweets.
Our experiment design paper led by Gregory LeMasurier was accepted to the HRI 2022 workshop “Workshop YOUR study design! Participatory critique and refinement of participants’ studies”! I am looking forward to the feedback!
Our paper is accepted to the AAAI Spring Symposium on “Closing the Assessment Loop: Communicating Proficiency and Intent in Human-Robot Teaming”!
We just uploaded the camera-ready version of our HRI 2022 LBR paper. We’ll see you in our online booth in March!
Our late breaking report (LBR) is accepted to the top-tier 2022 ACM/IEEE Human-Robot Interaction Conference (HRI)! Preprint coming soon.
Ruchen (Puck) Wen just submitted the camera-ready version of the paper, we will see you in March online at HRI!
We just uploaded our almost camera-ready paper and pushed the code to GitHub. Feel free to open a GitHub issue for any questions! Additionally, we also added two videos!
Our code sharing paper is accepted to the top-tier 2022 ACM/IEEE Human-Robot Interaction Conference (HRI), Short Contributions! It is the first year that HRI fosters Open Science practices and I am glad to participate in the celebration!
Our full paper is accepted to the top-tier 2022 ACM/IEEE Human-Robot Interaction Conference (HRI)! Preprint to come!
I am a Program Chair of The AAAI Fall Symposium on The Artificial Intelligence for Human-Robot Interaction (AI-HRI ’21)!
My dissertation is on ProQuest. It will be released on 9/13/2022.
I successfully defended my dissertation! Thank you, Prof. Holly Yanco!
I just uploaded my video presentation and slides.
Our journal paper on desired robot explanation is accepted to the top HRI journal ACM Transactions on Human-Robot Interaction (THRI)!
The journal paper from the scooter team in our lab is accepted to Paladyn, Journal of Behavioral Robotics!
I just gave an invited talk at Georgia Tech! Here are my slides. Feel free to email me about your questions.
Our paper on robot teleoperation and workload management is accepted to the 2021 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), the top conference in robotics!
Our journal paper on robot explanation algorithms using Behavior Trees is accepted to the top HRI journal ACM Transactions on Human-Robot Interaction (THRI)!
I am a Program Chair of The AAAI Fall Symposium on The Artificial Intelligence for Human-Robot Interaction (AI-HRI ’20)!
Our paper is accepted to The AAAI Fall Symposium on The Artificial Intelligence for Human-Robot Interaction (AI-HRI ’20)!
Our paper is accepted to the 2020 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), a top robotics conference in robotics! This is a collaboration project with Tufts University, the Human-Robot Interaction laboratory.
Our paper is accepted to the ICRA 2020 Workshop on Human-Robot Handovers! It is a great opportunity to present our work to the human-robot handover community!
We won first place with $10,000 cash reward! We competed with Boston University, Northeastern University, et al.
Our paper is accepted to the 2020 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), the top conference in robotics! This is our publication output from the FetchIt competition.
Our paper is accepted to The AAAI Fall Symposium on The Artificial Intelligence for Human-Robot Interaction (AI-HRI ’19)! This is an important step towards a robot explanation system. We have already started implementing it.
Our RoboHawks team that I led took a solid second place in the inaugural FetchIt! Mobile Manipulation Challenge held at ICRA 2019 in Montreal! We plan to use it as a platform for our future research.
This work with the user study conducted is accepted to 2019 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI)!
I had a lighting talk and presented a poster on my preliminary work during 2018 New England Manipulation Symposium at Yale University.