M.S. Thesis

Delivering Scalable Frequent Pattern Mining for Non-Expert Data Miners

BundleVis. A frequent itemset visualization, part of the thesis. Course 472 is clicked.

As a popular data mining task, frequent pattern mining has been proven to be help- ful for non-experts. For example, mining frequent purchased products helps store managers increase sales. As another example, finding popular courses assists uni- versity administrators arrange courses to avoid schedule conflicts. However, many data mining researchers have focused on improving… Continue reading Delivering Scalable Frequent Pattern Mining for Non-Expert Data Miners


BigDAS 2015

FIMaaS: Scalable Frequent Itemset Mining-as-a-Service on Cloud for Non-Expert Miners

The architecture of FIMaaS.

Frequent itemset mining discovers implicit, previously unknown and potentially useful knowledge—in the form of frequent itemsets—from data. For example, discovery of frequently purchased merchandise products reveals customer purchase patterns, which help store managers about their business strategies and promotional tactics. These, in turn, help increase profits of the stores. As another example, discovery of… Continue reading FIMaaS: Scalable Frequent Itemset Mining-as-a-Service on Cloud for Non-Expert Miners


KES 2015

Edge-based mining of frequent subgraphs from graph streams

In the current era of Big data, high volumes of valuable data can be generated at a high velocity from high-varieties of data sources in various real-life applications ranging from sensor networks to social networks, from bio-informatics to chemical informatics. In addition, Big data are also available in business, education, engineering, finance, healthcare, scientific,… Continue reading Edge-based mining of frequent subgraphs from graph streams
