Augmented Reality (Fall 2022)

HW 12: App brainstorm

Discussion Post; 6pts

This assignment should be done in collaboration with your partner.

For this homework, brainstorm a possible augmented reality application, as if you were a small company trying to pitch your idea to a potential funder. The goal is to develop an augmented reality app for the Colorado School of Mines campus. We have heard from two groups that have expressed interest in such an app:

  • Professor Sebnem Duzgun said that the library wants an AR app to tell stories to visitors. She used the example of seeing pictures on the wall in the library “come to life”.
  • Nicole Vilegi-Sandage said that the admission department wants an AR app to help with recruitment, such as a “tour guide” for visitors to campus.

Imagine that you could develop an app, that would be downloaded by students, staff, and visitors. What useful things could you do with this app? The two groups that visited us had some ideas, but could we do more? Could we make an app that would be useful for the library and the admissions office, as well as other users?

Develop a concept for an app and describe what it does. Sketch some drawings of what the user interface is like (hand drawn sketches or annotated photos are fine). Explain the sensing technology that enables the app to work. If it makes sense, try to use some cool ideas we have learned in this class, such as animations, coherent rendering, interaction methods, and physics.

Of course, you don’t need to implement anything for this assignment! However, your app should be implementable with existing technology. That is, if someone wanted to fund you to create this experience, you should be able to obtain all of the necessary hardware off the shelf, and you would know how to create the software.

Short Group Talk

During the next class (10/13), each group will have a chance to describe their concept to the class in a short (2 minutes max) talk. No slides are necessary.


Reply to this discussion topic with the other group member’s name, a description, along with two sketches or two annotated photos.

Only one person from each team needs to reply.

Rubrics (8 pts)

  • Short talk in class (2pts)
  • Description of the app concept (2 pts)
  • Description including a feasibility analysis with off-the-shelf hardware and existing software (2pts)
  • Low-fidelity drawings of the app visuals (2pts)